Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Take 5

I was tagged by April. I believe it was about a week ago. I guess I should really read blogs more often.
5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago
1. Working at Big 5 by day.
2. Being a mom by night.
3. Driving an 86 Mustang. (My dream car is a 65 Mustang.)
4. Changing Diapers
5. Planning Tyler's 1 st birthday party
My life was really exciting back then!!!!

5 Things on my to-do list today
1. Go to the bank
2. Go grocery shopping
3. Do laundry
4. Pick my kids up from school
5. Take Tyler to Scouts

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Ice Cream
2. Rice Krispy Treats
3. Popcorn with butter
4. Snicker doodles
5. Milky way candy bars

5 Songs I know the lyrics to
1. Last Dollar (Fly Away)--Tim Mcgraw
2. Something Like That--Tim Mcgraw
3. Amazed--Lonestar
4. Back Where I Come From--Kenny Chesney
5. I could Not Ask for More - Sara Evans

5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire
1. Buy a cruise ship so I could go anywhere when I wanted.
2. Build my Dream Home.
3. Travel
4. Buy a vacation home.
5. Buy my 65 Mustang

5 Bad Habits
1. Playing solitaire on the computer too long
2. Yelling.
3. Procrastinating.
4. Not letting my kids win games when we play
5. Not entering the work invoices into the computer as often as I should

5 Things I'd never wear again
1. Baggy pants
2. Feathered hair
3. Bikini
4. short shorts
5. Leggings

5 Favorite toys
1. Boat
2. My Stampin' Stuff
3. My Scrapbook Stuff
4. Camera
5. Trailer

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