Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tyler turns 12!!

Friday November 14th Tyler turned 12. We started the morning off with pancakes and milkshakes and sent the kids off to school. That night Tyler had his birthday party with 7 boys. We went to see Madagascar 2 and then we came back to our house for cake and presents and the boys stayed the night. They had a fun time hanging out and playing games till 3:00 in the morning when we finally told them it was time to go to sleep. It got quiet very fast. However when you have 2 young kids who go to bed on time, they wake up early in the morning. So the boys were all up by 7:30 am. I made them all pancakes and they jumped on the trampoline until they got picked up. On Sunday November 16th Tyler was ordained a deacon and He recieved the Priesthood by Chris. Then on Sunday November 23rd Tyler passed the Sacrament for the first time and gave his first Sacrament Meeting talk as a 12 year old. So many firsts so fast, I think he is already broken in. He has gone to Mutual twice now and enjoys it a lot! He is even going on an overnight in a couple weeks and he is excited for that too.

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