Monday, August 24, 2009

Young Women Mystery Trip

So last year the young women in our ward had the privilege of going to Utah on an amazing adventure! SO this year we were planning our trip we asked the girls what they wanted to do and they said they wanted it to be a mystery. So the leaders started brainstorming! We had great ideas and all we needed was a place to stay to figure out the final details. Then we had a place in Napa and the plans were finalized.

We started our trip in San Francisco where we walked on the Golden Gate Bridge.

From there we went to Point Bonita Lighthouse. We walked through a tunnel that was picked with an ice pick! It was extremely dark inside. Then we had to go across a bridge to get to the lighthouse. Only 2 could go across at a time. Then we ate lunch, and then headed to the ropes course. That was an amazing experience. We worked on team building exercises and then went on the high ropes.

We had to climb a 40 ft. pole to go on the zip line. That climb scared me to death! I was shaking so hard. But jumping off the top proved to be harder than the climb! Then we climbed a 30 ft. pole and walked across a log. Some of the girls went on a tight rope type wire. Then the last thing was called the pamper pole. You had to climb up a pole I think 25 ft. Then stand up on top of the pole and balance there without holding onto anything. Then you had to jump out and grab on to the trapeze. I wasn't going to attempt this obstacle but I fell into peer pressure! I was glad I did. It was scary, but fun! I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for the girls pushing me! We ended that day by going to the house we were staying at and swimming. Then on Saturday we met up with our Stake and cheered at the Special Olympics held at UC Davis. We showed up and it was 100 degrees out there. No one was cheering and our group got up and started cheering, even doing some High School cheers and the athletes totally appreciated it! We had some of the athletes come over to have their pictures taken with the youth and thank them for cheering! It was an awesome experience! Then the girls got to ride the Amtrak home! They all had a fun time!
I was at this point on the pole for a long time trying to figure out how to get on top of the pole without falling.

Finally made it to the top! Now all I have to do is jump! What? Yeah and try to grab onto the Trapeeze before you fall! Ok! Got it!


Anonymous said...

What an amazing trip! Your YW are lucky gals. Where did you go for the ropes course? I want to check it out!

Teri Rossi said...

Some place in Napa. I'm not sure the name of it.