Thursday, November 8, 2007


So over the weekend Riley Jo kept asking to sit on the potty. She would sit down for a couple of seconds feel like she was going to fall and say all done, all done. So Monday morning Riley Jo and I went to the store to buy her a potty and some underwear (she's always trying to put Michayla's on) in hopes of her wanting to continue to want to use the potty. Monday she did a great job, she had only one accident the entire day! I thought since she was ready to use the potty she was ready for a toddler bed. So she now sleeps in a toddler bed. But after rolling out of the bed Monday night. We went back to the store to buy a bed rail. Oops. Tuesday, was a bit more trying. The potty became one big game for her. She would sit down for a couple minutes start playing, I'd try to put her diaper back on and she'd sit back down. Then she wanted a treat for just sitting on the potty. After her third accident where I tried to sit her down on the potty and she wouldn't go and 5 minutes later she peed on my floor, I said forget it she's not ready! So then Wednesday we didn't use the potty at all. I had given up. But Riley Jo woke up a completely different girl today. She stayed dry ALL DAY!!! Huge accomplishment. By 10 this morning she had already peed and pooped on the toilet and after she went poop I said "let's go get your treat and then it's nap time." She actually said OK. She ran to the kitchen for her treat and then ran to her bedroom, stopped by her bed and said "Riley's bed." It was amazing because she has been fighting her naps lately and her she was running for her nap. She said good-night and rolled over and went to sleep. I don't know where my Riley Jo is but this one was welcomed fast!! :)

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