Last Thursday I took Tyler over to see Chase. We haven't seen him in about 2 1/2 weeks. He was really excited to see Ty. We stayed for
about an hour and half, Tyler played
Wii with Chase while I got an update from his mom. Chase's dads co-workers at Chevron pooled money together and bought Chase the
Wii for something to do over the coming months. Chase started Chemo Monday September 8
th. He was able to go to John Muir in Walnut Creek as an out-patient. He went Monday-Friday and then finished this round on Tuesday the 16
th. He did experience jaw pain, joint pain, and loss of appetite. He even had to go to the hospital on Saturday and Sunday to get IVs. On Thursday night while we were there he seemed himself. It was so nice to see him happy, laughing, and joking around. He was supposed to be admitted into Stanford today for the entire week for Phase 2 Chemo, but because of a cold over the weekend his white blood cells were too low and they couldn't keep him. Hopefully his numbers will be up on Wednesday when they check again and they can start the Chemo on Thursday. They also found out today that there are two more lesions on the back of his knee.
Apparently they were on both of the
previous MRIs but somehow didn't get mentioned until today. Chase's mom told me that they are still growing too. They also know they are not the same thing that is on his leg, they have to do another biopsy to find out exactly what it is and what they are dealing with. They would like as many good thoughts and vibes sent their way.