Monday, September 22, 2008

Labor Day Tag...Sort of

I am about 3 weeks behind in reading your blogs and I just came across this one and thought it sounded fun!
We all love to share our war stories of Labor...and delivery. I found this post on a friend's blog and thought I would do the same.
How Long were your labors?
#1-8 1/2 hours
#2-2 1/2 hours-I think this was a scary delivery for me!
#3-I was induced at 8:00 or 9:00 and she was born at 1:51 pm

#1-Tyler was born 4 days early at Walnut Creek Kaiser. Yes Epidural/stitches/tearing. The epidural worked so well that I couldn't feel a thing. I didn't even know when to push, the doctor had to tell me. I even had to have my mom holding one leg and my sister hold the other leg.
#2-Kyle was 5 days early at Walnut Creek Kaiser. I went in to the hospital and I was at a 4 told them I wanted the Epidural. I had the Epidural with in 45 minutes and feeling great. They decide to break my water, I think I am at a 5 now. Instantly Kyle's heartrate drops and they can't find it. They flipped me from side to side, there were so many doctors in there I just rememer praying my baby was going to be alright. They rush me down the hall to OR, I was on my hands and knees praying the whole way their that I wouldn't need a C-Section. They prepped me for the C-Section and right as they were about to cut, Kyle's heartrate was going back up and they said I could deliver naturally. Good thing they didn't cut because I actually had the sensation I needed to push and they were shocked I could feel it. Yes Epidural, 1 stitch. #3-I was induced 11 days early. My body kept going into labor but they kept giving me shot of morphine to stop the labor. Finally my 3rd trip to the doctors the next morning they were getting ready to release me when Riley Jo's heartrate started dropping. After the 3rd time in 15 minutes they said they needed to induce me. I was induced at 8:00 or 9:00 (I forget) I got the epidural about 11:30 (I'm a big baby when it comes to pain). Riley Jo was crowning about 1:40 they saw that my water hadn't been broken yet so they broke my water and Riley Jo came out with it. Little miss 6 lbs. 5 oz. It was the easiest delivery and recovery for me.

Birth Stats:
#1 7 lbs 8 oz. 20"
#2 8 lbs 5oz 20"
#3 6lbs 5oz 19 3/4"

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