Friday, May 21, 2010

March 13, 2010

We renewed our season passes to Marine World and decided opening weekend would be a great time to use them! It was the perfect day! Not too many people realized it was open so there weren't any lines at the rides. Usually we all split up and go separate directions for the day, but this time we stayed together. It was a nice change. It's hard because Tyler is the only kid who likes to go on ALL the rides. Michayla and Chris don't do spinning rides. Riley Jo and Kyle are only big enough to go on the smaller rides, and the spinning rides. So we all hung out together and went on the rides together, or nearby each other.
Tyler, Kyle and I went on the swings!

Chris, Michayla, Tyler and Kyle rode the Bumper Cars. Kyle is too small to ride by himself so he rode with Chris.

Tyler, Kyle, and I rode the Scrambler

Michayla and Riley Jo rode the frog hopper!

We saw the Lions.
Kyle and Riley Jo went on the airplane.


Tara said...

We have passes too! Let's plan a trip together soon!

Teri Rossi said...

Most definately!!!