Monday, February 4, 2008

Our Anniversary

Wednesday January 30th was Chris and my 4th year Sealing anniversary and Saturday February 2nd was our 7th year Wedding anniversary. So to celebrate we went out Friday night. I planned the whole evening as a surprise to Chris. I made dinner reservations, booked the hotel (yes, with a jacuzzi tub), and bought movie tickets just in case. I hid clues and goodies around the house for Chris to do a fun scavenger hunt before we left. I made him a CD of love songs, then he had to go to one of my dresser drawers and collect the bubble bath and massage oil there, then he had to go to the mailbox and that's where the dinner plans were. We went to Ruth Chris, a steakhouse in Walnut Creek for dinner and we enjoyed a free dessert since we were celebrating our anniversary. Halfway through dinner I told Chris that his last clue was in his jacket pocket and he found the hotel key and movie tickets in case he wanted to go to a movie too. He didn't, once he found out there was a jacuzzi tub he wanted to go straight to the hotel. We did end up renting a movie off the T.V. at the hotel, we watched August Rush. It was a good movie. We had a great night out and enjoyed the peace of being able to talk without being interupted.

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