Sunday, January 3, 2010

July 15, 2009

Yes I am aware it is January now. I really hope that this year I will be able to keep up to date with my blog! But for now, I am still catching up. July 15th Kyle turned 8 years old. In our church you get Baptized when you are 8. But since my mom was still on her mission in Utah we waited for her to come home and he was Baptized in September. (That will be a later post!) Tyler was still in Pennsylvania and Michayla was at Girl's Camp so it was Kyle, Riley Jo and me for the day! We were going to go to Marine World to celebrate his birthday but Kyle was sick. So we hung out at home for the day instead! We had Kyle's birthday party with his friends at
Chuck E Cheese's. A new one had just opened up in Concord so it was Perfect! The kids had a blast playing the games and Chuck E came out and gave Kyle a medal and a crown. Kyle thought that was awesome! We did end up going to Marine World a week later for Kyle's birthday!

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