Monday, January 11, 2010

September 27, 2009

Kyle was Baptized on Sunday, September 27, 2009. We were excited that so many family and friends were able to attend the baptism. We waited until Grandma Jan came home from her mission. She got home the end of August then all the Saturdays early September were busy and we wanted Michayla to be able to be there too so Sunday the 27th was the only option. We were so excited that Kyle made the decision to be baptized. He was a little scared of going under the water without goggles on. He kept asking if he could wear his goggles so we had to explain to him that then his whole face wouldn't be submerged under the water. So we had him go to the pool and go under the water quickly without his goggles on and told him to just keep his eyes closed. This seemed to help him because he wasn't nervous the day of the baptism! We are so proud of your decision Kyle, we hope your testimony will continue to grow. We call you our little missionary because you tend to see things that no one else can. Kyle wasn't able to talk for a real long time and my dad always said that he was still too close to Heaven and still "knew" too much so he couldn't talk! Soon after my dad passed away, Kyle still had conversations with him. It was the same place everyday when we would go to pick Tyler up from school. I miss hearing those conversations!
I had let Kyle have a Mohawk for his school pictures, but didn't think it was appropriate for his baptism. So we shaved his head.

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